ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Three Worlds Theory

Okay, kiddo, let me tell you about the three worlds theory. It's a way of thinking about the different kinds of countries in the world.

There are some countries that are very rich and powerful. They have lots of money, resources, and influence. We call these countries the first world.

Then there are some countries that are not as rich, but they are still doing pretty well. They have some money and resources, and they are able to take care of their people. We call these countries the second world.

Finally, there are some countries that are really struggling. They don't have much money or resources, and their people often live in poverty. We call these countries the third world.

Now, this way of thinking about countries isn't perfect. Some people think it's unfair to label certain countries as "third world" just because they're poor. And some people think that the lines between the three worlds aren't clear-cut.

But the three worlds theory can be helpful in understanding the differences between different countries, and thinking about how we can help the countries that are struggling.