ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Three poisons

Imagine you are having fun with your friends and a big bowl of candy appears in front of you. You want to eat as much candy as you can because it tastes so good, right? But there are three little creatures in your mind that might convince you to do something not so good for you: ignorance, attachment, and aversion.

Ignorance is like a little green monster that makes you not want to learn new things or understand what's really going on. It might make you think that eating too much candy won't hurt you or that sharing your toys is not important. But it's important to be aware of the consequences of your actions so that you can make better choices.

Attachment is like a bouncy orange ball that makes you want to hold onto things that make you happy, like the candy in the bowl. It can be good to enjoy things that make you happy, but it's also important to remember that sometimes you have to let things go. If you eat too much candy, you might get a stomach ache or even feel sick.

Aversion is like a little red devil that makes you want to push things away that make you unhappy, like a friend who doesn't want to share their toys. But sometimes it's important to face the things that make you uncomfortable so that you can learn from them and grow. If you push away everyone who upsets you, you might end up feeling lonely.

So, these three poisons, ignorance, attachment, and aversion, can be useful in small doses, but they can also be harmful if you let them control your actions. If you can learn to recognize them and make choices based on what's best for you and those around you, you'll be a happier and healthier person.