ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of international trade

International trade is when people or companies from different parts of the world buy and sell goods with each other. The timeline of international trade is like a journey that shows how people have been trading with each other over many years.

A long time ago, when people lived in caves, they only traded with people who lived close to them. They would exchange things like stones, food, or tools for other things they needed. This was called bartering.

As time passed, people started making things that were too big or too heavy to carry around, like pottery or baskets. They began trading with other people from different areas. People from one area would journey to other areas to trade goods made in their areas for those of others.

In ancient times, places like Egypt and China were very good at trading. They would trade things like spices, silk, and other goods which were in high demand. They used the Silk Road, which was a big network of roads that connected many areas, to trade with people from different countries.

During medieval times in Europe, people used money more and bartering became less common. People began to trade with other areas so they could get things like salt, gold, and timber. They would do this by using ships to transport the goods on the oceans.

In the 19th century, international trade really took off. Many factories were built during the Industrial Revolution which made things like textiles, iron, and steel. These goods were often traded for things like sugar and coffee from different countries in the world. Improved transportation systems made it easier to transport goods around the world.

Today, people trade with each other from every part of the world. They import and export goods like cars, electronics, clothes, and many other things. Large ships, planes, and trucks are used to transport goods across oceans and borders. This is how international trade works today.