ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of the gunpowder age

Alright kiddo, do you know what gunpowder is? It's a mixture of a few different things like charcoal, sulfur, and something called saltpeter that can make things explode when it's lit on fire.

Now, a long time ago, around 9th century China, people figured out how to make gunpowder. They used it for fireworks and other cool things, but soon enough they realized it could be used as a weapon too.

So, over the next few hundred years, people started to experiment with gunpowder and guns. The first guns were big and heavy, and you had to light them with a match to make them shoot. They weren't very accurate and they took a long time to reload, but they were still a big deal.

Eventually, people started making better guns that were lighter and more reliable. They could also shoot faster and more accurately. And, they started making bullets that fit better in the guns.

Now, the gunpowder age had a big impact on wars and battles. It changed the way people fought and the kinds of weapons they used. It also led to the invention of things like cannons and muskets.

But, the gunpowder age didn't happen all at once. It took a long time, from the 9th century all the way up to the 1800s. And, the technology kept improving over time so guns and gunpowder got better and better.

So, that's the timeline of the gunpowder age in a nutshell. It's all about people figuring out how to make gunpowder, learning how to use it as a weapon, and making better and better guns over time.