ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tocharian clothing

Tocharian clothing is a type of clothing worn by people who lived a long time ago in a place called Tocharia. To understand Tocharian clothing, let's first talk about clothes in general.

You know how you wear clothes to cover your body and keep warm? Well, people in Tocharia also had to wear clothes to cover their bodies and stay warm. But their clothing looked different from the clothes we wear today, and was made from different materials too.

Tocharian clothing for men was usually made up of a long robe, like a long dress. The robe was made from a special type of fabric made from wool, which is hair taken from sheep. This woolen robe was long enough to cover the man's legs and it had a belt around the waist to keep it in place. The belt was usually decorated with pretty patterns or designs.

Women in Tocharia wore a similar type of robe, but it was usually a bit shorter and could be made from silk, which is a smooth and shiny material. Women tied their robes at the waist and often wore an apron over them. Aprons are a piece of cloth worn over the front of the body to protect clothing from getting dirty.

Another important piece of clothing in Tocharia was the hat. Hats were worn to cover the head and keep warm, just like how you wear a beanie or a cap. Tocharian hats had different shapes and designs and were usually made from felt, which is a thick and soft material.

Overall, Tocharian clothing was made from natural materials like wool and silk, and it was designed to keep people warm and comfortable. Even though we don't wear Tocharian clothing today, it's still interesting to learn about clothes from different times and places!