ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Sogdia was a place a really, really long time ago, like before any of our grandparents were born. It was in the middle of a big area called Central Asia, which is kind of like the middle part of a really big circle.

Back then, there were a lot of different people who lived in Sogdia, and they traded with all sorts of other people. They would trade things like silk and spices, which were really special and valuable back then.

One thing that made Sogdia really special was that it was right in the middle of a bunch of big empires, which were like really powerful countries. Even though Sogdia was smaller than those big empires, the people who lived there were really good at trading and making alliances with other groups.

But eventually, Sogdia started to lose its power and its people were conquered by different empires over time. However, people still remember the things that the Sogdians did, like their cool art and their trading skills.