ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Saka is a type of rice that people grow and eat. It comes from a place called Myanmar, which is a country in Asia. People in Myanmar and other countries eat saka because it is very nutritious and good for their bodies.

To grow saka, you need a special kind of soil, water, and sunshine. Farmers plant the seeds in the soil and then wait for them to grow. As the plants grow taller, they start to produce little flowers that turn into grains of rice.

Once the rice is ready, farmers harvest it by cutting the plants down and removing the grains. Then they clean the rice to get rid of any dirt or debris. After that, people can cook and eat the saka rice.

Saka is popular in Myanmar and other countries because it has a lot of important nutrients, like fiber and vitamins. When people eat saka, they are giving their bodies the things they need to stay healthy and strong. Plus, it tastes really good too!