ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Abashevo culture

Abashevo culture was a group of people who lived a long, long time ago in what is now Russia. They were a special group of people who lived in a time when there was not much writing or recording of history, so we don't know everything about them.

But based on what we've found, we think they were very skilled at making things out of metal, like tools and weapons. They also had their own special style of pottery, which is kind of like making bowls and plates out of clay.

Abashevo people also had some beliefs and traditions that we know about based on what they left behind. They believed in different gods and goddesses and they had rituals and ceremonies to honor and worship them.

One of the most interesting things about the Abashevo culture is that they were probably one of the first groups of people to have domesticated horses. That means they tamed horses and used them for things like travel and carrying goods. This was a really big development in human history because it made things easier for people to get around and do things.

Overall, the Abashevo culture was a group of people who lived a long time ago and were skilled at making things out of metal and pottery. They also had religious beliefs and were some of the first people to use horses for travel and work.