ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Toxicogenomics is like being a super detective that helps us understand how chemicals and other things can impact our bodies. Just like how a detective investigates a crime by looking for clues, toxicogenomics investigates the impact of chemicals on our bodies by looking at our genes.

Our genes are like the instructions that tell our bodies what to do. They are like the recipe for building a person. Just like how a recipe for cooking might have ingredients that need to be added in a certain order to make a delicious cake, our genes have instructions that need to be followed in a certain order to build a healthy body.

Sometimes, when we are in contact with chemicals, they can interrupt or change the instructions in our genes. Imagine someone messing up the recipe for a cake by using the wrong ingredients or mixing them in the wrong order. The cake might not taste very good or even be dangerous to eat.

Toxicogenomics helps us study how chemicals affect our bodies by looking at our genes. Scientists can study the changes in our genes that happen when we are exposed to different chemicals. This helps us understand how the chemicals might be changing our bodies and can even help us make better decisions about what kinds of chemicals we should and shouldn't be exposed to.