ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Train protection system

Okay kiddo! So, imagine that you are on a train and the train driver needs to make sure that the train stops at the right station and doesn't go too fast or too slow. This is where the train protection system comes in.

The train protection system is like a special brain that helps the train driver stay safe and stop the train when needed. It uses special sensors called balises that are placed on the train tracks to send messages to the train's computer.

The computer then tells the train driver how fast the train can go, when it needs to stop, and how close it is to the other trains on the track. If the train driver tries to go too fast or doesn't stop when they are supposed to, the train protection system will automatically slow down or stop the train to keep everyone safe.

Just like how we wear a helmet when we ride our bike to protect our head, the train protection system is like a helmet for the train to protect everyone on it.