ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Trap (computing)

Imagine you have a big treasure box but there are some bad guys who want to steal it. To protect it, you set a trap that they will fall into if they try to open the box. In computing, a trap is like a trap in a treasure box. It is a way to catch something that is trying to do something bad or wrong.

When a software program is running, it can sometimes encounter a problem that it doesn't know how to handle. This could be something like trying to access a part of the computer's memory that it is not allowed to access, or trying to divide a number by zero. When this happens, the computer can use a trap to catch the problem and deal with it.

The trap works by interrupting the program and transferring control to a special part of the computer's operating system that knows how to handle the problem. This special part is called a trap handler. The trap handler can then take control and either fix the problem or shut down the program to prevent any damage to the rest of the computer.

So, a trap is like a secret weapon that the computer can use to catch and handle problems that might cause damage or harm. Just like a treasure box trap, it is a clever way to protect what is valuable and keep the bad guys at bay.