ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Travel medicine

Travel medicine is like when you go on a trip and need to make sure you stay healthy and safe while you are away. It's kind of like having a superhero doctor who helps you plan for your trip and gives you special tips to stay healthy while you're gone.

So, when you pack your bags and get ready to go on a trip somewhere far away, you might need to visit a travel medicine doctor first. The doctor can talk to you and find out where you're going, what you'll be doing, and how long you'll stay there. This helps the doctor figure out what kinds of vaccines or medicines you might need to stay healthy while you're away.

For example, if you're going to a place where there's a lot of mosquitoes, you might need a special vaccine or bug spray to protect you from getting sick with diseases like malaria or Zika. If you're going to a place where the water isn't safe to drink, the doctor might give you some special medicine that helps you avoid getting sick from drinking the water.

The travel medicine doctor can also give you lots of advice on how to stay healthy while you're on your trip. They might tell you to wash your hands a lot, to eat healthy food, to stay away from certain animals or insects, and to always wear sunscreen to protect your skin.

So, travel medicine is all about making sure you have the knowledge and tools you need to stay healthy while you're on an awesome adventure. Just like a superhero doctor helps you fight off bad germs and stay safe, travel medicine helps you have the best trip ever!