ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Trolley problem

The Trolley Problem is a thought experiment used to think about morality and ethical decision-making. It starts with a story: imagine that you are the only person who can control a trolley (like a train). The trolley is going down a track, and it is about to hit five people. You have the power to switch the trolley to a different track, but the downside of this is that there is one person on the other track who would get hit. What do you do?

In this story, there are two options: (1) you let the five people get hit by the trolley or (2) you switch the trolley to the other track, saving five lives but killing one person in the process. The Trolley Problem is used to think about which of these two choices is the "right" or "moral" choice. There is no right answer, it depends on your personal beliefs and values.