ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tsa lung

Tsa Lung is a special breathing technique that is used in Tibetan Yoga, also known as Tsa Lung Trulkor. It involves using your breath to move energy through your body to help you feel better.

Imagine that your body is like a garden hose and the air you breathe is like the water flowing through the hose. By breathing in and out in a special way, you can help the energy in your body flow just like the water in the hose.

To start, take a deep breath in through your nose, feeling your belly fill up like a balloon. Then, slowly breathe out through your mouth, feeling your belly deflate like a balloon. This is called "belly breathing." This helps you relax and gets your body ready for the next step.

Next, imagine that there is a ball of energy in your belly. As you breathe in, imagine the energy ball getting bigger and brighter. As you breathe out, imagine the energy ball moving up through your body, all the way up to the top of your head.

As the energy ball moves up, imagine it clearing out any blockages or tensions in your body. This can help you feel more calm, relaxed, and energized.

You can do Tsa Lung breathing anytime and anywhere, but it's best to find a quiet and peaceful place. You can also learn different Tsa Lung exercises to target specific areas of your body or to help with different emotions or problems.

Overall, Tsa Lung is a way to use your breath to help your body and mind feel better. Just like watering a garden helps it grow, Tsa Lung helps the energy in your body flow and grow, making you feel happier and healthier.
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