ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tungusic creation myth

Tungusic people have a special story about how everything in the world was created. Long, long ago, there was only darkness and chaos. But then, there appeared a god named Num-torum, and he saw that the world was empty and formless.

So, Num-torum decided to create the world. He used a magic wand made from a birch tree to create the hills, valleys, mountains, and rivers. He then used a drum to create the sky and the stars. Finally, he used a bow and arrow to create trees, flowers, and all sorts of plants.

As everything took shape, Num-torum decided it was time to add some creatures to his world. He used his magic wand to create birds, fish, and other animals, and then used his drum to breathe life into them.

But Num-torum was not done yet. He wanted to create something even more special, something that would rule over all the other creatures. So, he used his magic wand to create a human, a man named Jajin. Then, he created a woman called Ujlen.

Num-torum gave Jajin and Ujlen a special task - look after and protect the world that he had created. And that's how the world of the Tungusic people came into being, created by a powerful god with the help of his magical instruments.
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