ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Turkic migration

Turkic migration refers to a time long ago when a group of people called the Turks moved from one place to another. Now, before we get into all the details, let's talk about who the Turks were. The Turks were a group of people who lived in Central Asia, which is a big area in the middle of Asia. They were known for being fierce warriors and also really good at riding horses.

Now, back to the migration. The Turks didn't just decide to pick up and move one day, there were a few reasons why they decided to leave their homes. One big reason was that there were other groups of people who were causing trouble in their homeland. These other groups were called the Huns and the Mongols, and they were known for being very aggressive and attacking other people.

So, the Turks decided to move to other parts of the world where they could live without being bothered by these other groups. Some of the places they went to included Persia (which is now called Iran), India, and even parts of Europe.

When the Turks moved to these new places, they brought their culture with them. This included things like their language, which is called Turkish, their religion (which was usually Islam), and their food and clothing. Over time, the Turks mixed with the people who already lived in these areas, and their culture became a part of the local cultures.

So, in summary, the Turkic migration was a time when a group of people called the Turks moved from Central Asia to other parts of the world. They did this because they were being bothered by other aggressive groups, and when they arrived in these new places, they brought their culture with them and mixed with the local people.