ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Turkish wine

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about something called Turkish wine. So, you know how milk comes from cows and orange juice comes from oranges? Well, wine comes from grapes! In Turkey, there are special types of grapes that are used to make wine.

When people make wine, they take the grapes and crush them to get the juice. Then, they leave the juice in barrels to ferment, which means that it sits there for a while and turns into alcohol. After a while, they bottle up the wine and people can drink it.

Turkish wine is special because Turkey has a unique climate that's perfect for growing grapes. Lots of Turkish wines have a really yummy taste because they're made from special kinds of grapes that only grow in Turkey!

Some people might think that Turkey is only good for making Turkish delight, but wine is another thing they're really good at making too!
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