ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Types of marriages

Marriage is like playing house with your best friend, but for grown-ups. You might have heard that people can get married in different ways, let's talk about that.

1. Monogamous Marriage: This is like having one best friend forever. When two people decide to get married and be together for life only with each other, it's called a monogamous marriage. They promise to love and take care of each other, and only each other.

2. Polygamous Marriage: This is like having multiple best friends forever. Sometimes, in some cultures, one person can marry more than one person. This is called polygamy. A polygamous marriage can have many husbands or many wives, but it's important that everyone in the marriage agrees and is happy with the arrangement.

3. Civil Union: This is like an agreement to be best friends forever. In some countries, people can choose to have a civil union instead of a marriage. It's like getting married, but the couple doesn't want to use that word. It's still a legal agreement that gives the couple the same rights and responsibilities as married people.

4. Open Marriage: This is like having best friends outside of your best friend. Sometimes, a couple can agree that they still love each other, but they also want to have relationships or friendships (like best friends) with other people. This is called an open marriage. It's important that everyone involved is happy, and everyone agrees to the rules of the relationship.

5. Same-Sex Marriage: This is like any other marriage, but with two people of the same gender. Love knows no gender, and sometimes two men or two women fall in love and want to get married. This is called a same-sex marriage. It's important that everyone in the marriage, and society, accepts and celebrates love in all its forms.

So, there are many types of marriages, and they can all be full of love, happiness, and commitment.
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