ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Typescript (manuscript)

Typescript, also known as manuscript, is a special way of writing computer programs. Think of it like writing a story, but instead of using words and sentences, you use special symbols and rules that tell the computer what to do.

When you write a regular program, sometimes it can be hard to make sure everything is correct. You might forget a certain symbol or make a mistake somewhere. But with Typescript, you have extra help to make sure everything is correct.

Imagine a grownup helping you write a new story. They might give you some guidelines to follow, like using complete sentences and making sure each paragraph goes together. Typescript is like having those guidelines but for writing computer programs.

It helps you catch mistakes before you even run the program on the computer. This makes it easier to create and fix programs, which is important for people who make software for things like phones, websites or even robots.