ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Calligraphy is a fancy way of writing that looks really cool! Imagine writing with fancy pens and markers that make your letters look like they have fancy designs and swirls.

People have been doing calligraphy for thousands of years, and it has been used for important documents, like wedding invitations, certificates, and even religious texts.

To do calligraphy, you first need special tools like pens or brushes that have special tips. You use ink or paint to make your fancy letters. But it's not just about writing the letters - calligraphy is also about making sure your lines, spacing, and designs all look beautiful and in harmony with each other.

It can take a lot of practice and patience to get good at calligraphy, but it's worth it if you want to create something fancy and beautiful that will impress your friends and family!