ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hello there! Do you know what tzompantli is? It's a very special thing that was used a long time ago in ancient Mexico by the Aztecs.

Tzompantli is a big structure that looks like a big shelf with lots and lots of skulls on it. The skulls were from people who were sacrificed in religious rituals. Sacrifices were part of the Aztec culture, and it was believed that sacrifice helped to keep the balance of the world.

The tzompantli was an important place for the Aztecs because it was a way for them to show their strength and power to other people. It was also a way to remember those who had been sacrificed, and to honor them.

When you look at the tzompantli, it is really scary and might make you feel uneasy. But it is important to understand that it was part of the Aztec culture a long time ago, and it is no longer used in Mexico today. We can learn about it and appreciate this piece of history, but we don't have to make one ourselves.