ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

UFO Report (U.S. Intelligence)

Ok, so you know how sometimes we see things in the sky like planes, helicopters, and birds, right? Well, some people have reported seeing things that they can't explain. They call these things "UFOs" which stands for "Unidentified Flying Objects".

Recently, the United States government did a special report about these UFOs. The report looked at all the information the government has collected over the years about these sightings. The report said that most of the time, these sightings can be explained as something else, like a balloon or a drone. But sometimes, there are sightings that they can't explain.

The report also said that they don't think these UFOs are aliens or anything like that. They just don't have enough evidence to prove that aliens are visiting us.

So basically, the report was a big study about these mysterious things people see in the sky. The government looked at all the information they have and said that most of the time, it's nothing to worry about. But they still don't know for sure what these strange things are.