ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ultimate tensile strength

Ultimate tensile strength is like how hard you can pull on something before it breaks. Imagine you have a piece of paper and you start pulling on it really hard. If it doesn't rip, you can keep pulling until it does rip. The point where it finally rips is its ultimate tensile strength.

Now imagine instead of a piece of paper, you have a metal rod. Just like with the paper, you can start pulling on the rod until it breaks. But for metal, it's important to know how much force (or weight) it takes to break it so we can make sure it's strong enough for what we want to use it for.

So when we talk about the ultimate tensile strength of a material, we're really just talking about how strong it is and how much force can be applied to it before it breaks. Knowing the ultimate tensile strength of a material helps us decide if it's strong enough for our needs.