ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Universal call to holiness

Have you ever heard someone say that everyone can be a saint? Well, that's what the universal call to holiness means. It's like a big invitation from God to everyone to become the best version of themselves and be super close to Him, just like saints are.

Imagine you have a Lego set, and God is the one who made it. He made each Lego piece unique, with a special purpose. And just like He made each Lego piece with a purpose, He made each person with a purpose too. So when God calls us to holiness, He's asking us to use our unique talents and abilities in the best way possible, to love and serve Him and others.

Being holy doesn't mean you have to be a perfect person or do everything right all the time. Instead, it means trying your best to do what's right and always growing closer to God. It's like playing a video game, where the goal is to keep getting better and better until you reach the end.

So, if you hear the words "universal call to holiness," just remember that it's like a big invitation from God to be the best you can be and grow closer to Him.