ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Universal logic

Universal logic is like playing with blocks. You know how you can build different things using different colored and shaped blocks? Well, in universal logic, we use different rules and symbols to build things called logical statements, just like building things with blocks.

But instead of building physical things, we are building ideas and arguments. And just like with blocks, there are different ways to combine the rules and symbols to make different statements.

For example, let's say we have the symbols "A" and "B" which mean True and False respectively. Then we can use the rule "AND" to combine them into a statement like "A AND B". This means that both A and B need to be True for the statement to be True.

But wait, there's more! Universal logic also uses something called truth tables to help us figure out what statements are True or False. It's like having a color-coded chart to tell us which blocks go together to make certain shapes.

So, universal logic is like building with blocks, but instead of building physical objects we are building arguments and ideas using different rules and symbols. We also use truth tables to help us figure out if our statements are true or false.