ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, do you know how sometimes you have toys you don't play with anymore, but they might be really special or rare? Well, valorisation is kind of like that but with grown-up stuff.

Sometimes, there are things that seem like they're not worth much because nobody wants them or they're out of style. But other times, people realize that those things are actually really valuable because they're unique, or they have some special quality that makes them important.

So, people can try to "valorise" those things by making them more popular or desirable. They might do things like promoting them, making them look more beautiful, or giving them a special story to make people interested. That way, lots of people want to have them, and they become more valuable - like your favorite toys becoming super popular again!

Valorisation can happen with all sorts of things, like old buildings, rare paintings, or even different ideas or skills. It's all about making something that seems ordinary into something that's really special and valuable. Pretty cool, huh?