ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vehicle miles traveled tax

Okay kiddo, so you know how we have roads that we use when we drive in our cars, right? Well, sometimes those roads need to be fixed or improved, and that takes money. So, the government came up with a plan to help pay for it called the vehicle miles traveled tax.

Basically, instead of paying a certain amount of money for gas or other stuff when we fill up our cars, we would pay a very small amount of money every time we drive a mile. It's like putting a penny in a piggy bank every time we drive a mile. That way, the more miles we drive, the more money we contribute to fixing and improving the roads we use.

But don't worry, we wouldn't have to keep track of every mile we drive and how much we owe. Our cars would have a special device that would keep track of how many miles we drive, and then we would just pay a small amount based on that.

It might seem like a hassle, but really it's just a way for all of us to help take care of the roads we use every day. And who knows, maybe someday you'll be driving on those roads and be grateful that they're in good condition thanks to the vehicle miles traveled tax.