ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Visual modularity

Visual modularity is like building with LEGO bricks. Just like how we can snap LEGO bricks together to build different structures like houses, cars, and robots, our brain can also snap different visual information pieces together to recognize objects and scenes.

Our eyes capture lots of information, and our brain processes it through different modules or areas that work together like different LEGO bricks. Each module performs a specific task, like identifying shapes, colors or lines, and then sends this information to another module, which combines all the different pieces to give meaning to what we see.

Think about a puzzle with many different pieces. Each piece has a unique shape and color, but only when you put them together, it creates a beautiful picture. Similarly, our brain needs to put together different visual elements to recognize objects, faces, emotions, and more.

This modular structure allows us to see and understand complex images quickly and accurately, just like when we assemble simple LEGO bricks into much larger and complicated structures.
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