ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Volume is how much space something takes up. Let's say you have a box that is empty. You want to fill it up with toys. As you put more and more toys inside, the box starts to get filled up. The more toys you put inside, the less empty space there is in the box. Eventually, you won't be able to fit any more toys in the box because it is completely full. This is the volume of the box - it's how much space the toys take up inside it.

Now imagine you have two boxes that are the same size. One box is filled with small toys like marbles, while the other box is filled with big toys like basketballs. The box with the basketballs will have less toys inside because the basketballs take up more space than the marbles. This means the box with the basketballs has a larger volume than the box with the marbles.

Volume can also be used for liquids. Think about a cup of juice. The cup can only hold a certain amount of juice before it overflows. This amount is the volume of the cup. If you want to pour more juice into the cup, you'll need a bigger cup with a larger volume.

So in summary, volume is how much space something takes up, whether it's toys in a box or juice in a cup. The more stuff you put inside, the less space there is, and the volume gets bigger.
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