ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Voyager 1

Voyager 1 is like a really cool spaceship that was made by smart people to explore space. It was launched into space in 1977 and has been flying away from Earth ever since. You know how when you throw a ball, it doesn't just keep going forever? It eventually falls back down because of gravity. Well, Voyager 1 didn't fall back down because there's no gravity in space to stop it.

Voyager 1 has traveled really far, it took pictures of different planets and sent them back to Earth. It also has a special tool on it that can measure things like magnetic fields and radiation. Scientists use the information from the tool to learn more about space and our solar system. Voyager 1 is so special because it's traveled farther than any other human-made object and it is still sending us information even though it's millions of miles away!