ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wandering womb

Okay kiddo, so let's talk about the "wandering womb". You know how mommies have a special place in their body where babies grow? That's called the uterus. Well, a long time ago some people thought that the uterus could wander around inside a woman's body and cause problems.

Now, obviously we know that's not true - the uterus is attached in one place and can't just move around on its own. But back in ancient times, some people believed that a "wandering womb" could cause all sorts of troubles, like pains, infertility, and even mental illness.

Scientists didn't really figure out how the uterus works for a long time, so people came up with all sorts of crazy explanations for what was going on inside a woman's body. The idea of the "wandering womb" was one of those crazy ideas, but luckily we don't believe in it anymore!