ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Warez scene

You know how you're not supposed to take toys from other kids without asking? Well, some people don't believe in that rule when it comes to computer games, movies, and software. They share those things online without getting permission from the creators or paying for them.

The people who do this are called pirates, and they are very organized. They have a community called the warez scene. It's kind of like a secret club or a hideout where they all hang out and talk about the things they've shared.

They have special websites where they post new things to share, and they use special software to protect themselves from getting caught by the police. Sometimes the pirates compete with each other to see who can share something first or who can share the most things.

But just like taking toys from other kids, pirating things is not okay. It's illegal and can get the pirates in trouble. Plus, it's not fair to the people who made those games and movies because they worked hard to make them and deserve to be paid for their work. So it's important to always ask permission and/or pay for things that you want to enjoy.