ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Waste Management in Egypt

Waste management in Egypt is like cleaning up a big messy room. Egyptians usually throw their trash into bins, but sometimes they throw it on the street or into the canal. This creates a big mess and makes everything dirty and smelly.

Just like how you clean up your room by putting your toys away in their boxes, Egypt has big garbage trucks that drive around and collect all the trash from the bins. These trucks take the trash to a big place called a landfill, which is like a giant garbage can for the whole city.

But there's a problem with the landfill. It's getting too full! Just like how you eventually have to throw out things from your toy box that you don't play with anymore, Egypt needs to find a way to reduce the amount of trash it generates. They're trying to do this by encouraging people to recycle, which means taking things that can be used again like plastic bottles and turning them into new things.

Overall, waste management in Egypt is trying to make sure the streets and canals stay clean and healthy, just like how you want your room to be clean and tidy.