ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Water Festival

Okay kiddo, so you know how we can splash around and have fun with water on a hot day? Well, there are some places in the world where they celebrate a special holiday called a Water Festival!

During the Water Festival, people throw water at each other, dance in the streets, and have big parties. It all started a long time ago in some countries in Asia as a way to celebrate the new year and to wish for good luck and happiness in the coming year.

Now, some people celebrate the Water Festival for up to three days! They might have parades with really colorful floats and music, and everyone wears their best clothes. But the best part is when they start throwing water at each other with buckets, water guns, and even hoses! It can get pretty wet and wild!

Overall, the Water Festival is a really fun celebration where everyone gets to cool off and have a good time together. So next time it's really hot outside, maybe we can have our own little water festival too!