ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Web (manufacturing)

Imagine you want to make a toy. To make the toy, you need different parts, like wheels, a body, and a handle. You also need tools like a hammer, screwdriver, and glue.

Now let's say you want to make this toy with your friends who live in different cities. You can't meet in person to make the toy, so you need a way to work together over the internet. This is where the web comes in.

The web is like a big computer system that connects people and computers all over the world. It's like a giant playground where you can play with your friends, even if they live far away.

In manufacturing, the web is used to connect different machines and factories together to make products. Just like how you and your friends use the internet to work together on making a toy, factories and machines use the web to work together to make a product.

One part of the web that's used in manufacturing is called the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is like a network of smart devices that can communicate with each other. For example, a machine in one factory can talk to a machine in another factory to coordinate the production of a product.

Another part of the web used in manufacturing is called cloud computing. The cloud is like a big computer system that stores information and programs that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. In manufacturing, factories can use the cloud to store data about their production processes and share that data with other factories.

Overall, the web is an important tool in manufacturing because it allows different factories and machines to work together to create products, just like how you and your friends can work together to make a toy even if you live far apart.