ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Web annotation

Web annotation is a fun way to write and draw on websites - just like you might take some colorful pens and draw on a piece of paper! When you are reading a website, you may see things that you want to remember or share with your friends. Web annotation helps you do that by letting you write notes, comments or add symbols on the website for yourself and others to see.

Imagine you are reading your favorite story on a website and you want to share with your classmates what you loved about it. You can use web annotation to do that by clicking a button that allows you to highlight the part of the story you want to share, then add a comment or symbol. Your classmates will see what you wrote, and you can all share your thoughts and learn from each other!

Web annotation is helpful because it lets you engage with the content you're reading, remember important information, and share your thoughts with others. But just remember, like with any other tool, it's important to use it appropriately and respectfully.