ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Web application security scanner

Okay kiddo, imagine your toy box is like a website that you play with on the internet. Now, like how mom or dad checks your toy box to make sure there aren't any dangerous things and everything is in its right place, people who make websites also check their website so that it doesn't have any dangerous things, like bad people who want to steal information or break things.

A web application security scanner is like a special tool that helps the people who make websites to check if their website has any bad guys (also known as security vulnerabilities) or mistakes in the code that make it easy for bad guys to get in. It's like a superhero who watches over your toy box (website) and makes sure that everything is safe.

The security scanner goes through the website and looks at each part to see if anything is broken or not working the right way. It looks at things like the password box, the login page, and even the part where you can download files. It checks if these parts have strong passwords, if the website shares information securely or if the files can be downloaded safely.

The scanner then makes a report of all the things that are not safe and sends it to the website owners so they can fix it before any bad guys get in. So the website owners don't have to worry about bad guys because the scanner checks everything and helps to keep the website safe.

Does that make sense, kiddo?