ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hello there! Do you know what it means to watch a video on a computer or phone? Well, sometimes people want to watch live events, like a concert or a game, on their computer or phone too. That's where webcasting comes in!

Webcasting is when people use the internet to broadcast, or send out, a live video to other people. It's kind of like making a phone call but with a video instead of just talking. The person sending the video is called the broadcaster and the people watching are called the viewers.

The broadcaster uses a camera, microphone, and computer or phone to capture the live video and sound. They then use special software to send the video and sound over the internet to a website. The website is like a big TV channel where people can go to watch webcasts.

To watch the webcast, viewers go to the website and click on the video they want to watch. The website uses special software to show the video and sound on the viewer's computer or phone. It's kind of like watching a video on YouTube, but it's happening live at that moment!

Webcasting is great because people can watch events from all around the world without even leaving their house. Plus, it's a lot cheaper than buying a plane ticket to go see the event in person! So next time you want to watch a concert or game live, just remember that you can do it with webcasting!
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