ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A wedding is a big party where two grown-ups who love each other very much decide that they want to be together forever. They invite their family and friends to come celebrate with them and watch them make promises to each other.

Before the wedding, the grown-ups usually spend a lot of time planning and choosing things to make the day special. They pick out nice clothes to wear, decide on decorations, and choose a yummy cake for everyone to eat.

At the wedding, the grown-ups might have someone called a pastor, priest or judge to help them say their promises to each other. These promises usually include things like always being kind to each other, sharing everything, and never leaving each other.

Everyone has a lot of fun at the wedding. There is usually lots of food to eat, music to dance to, and silly photos to take. The grown-ups get to kiss each other and everyone cheers and claps.

After the wedding, the grown-ups are called husband and wife and they get to start their new life together as a family. It is a very special and happy day for everyone!