ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Welsh peers and baronets

Ok kiddo, let's talk about Welsh peers and baronets. In the olden times, there were these people called lords who owned a lot of land and had a lot of power. Wales also had lords who were known as Welsh peers. They were special because they were chosen by the king or queen to have a special title and sit in the House of Lords in the UK government.

Now, there were also these people called baronets who were rich people who were given a title by the king or queen, but they didn't have a lot of power or land like the Welsh peers did. They were just fancy people who liked to show off their title.

In Wales, there were some people who were both Welsh peers and baronets. These people were super fancy and important. They had a lot of land and a lot of money, and they got to sit in the House of Lords and show off their title like the baronets.

So basically, Welsh peers and baronets were special titles given to important people in Wales, but Welsh peers had more power and land while baronets were just fancy. And some people were lucky enough to be both and really show off their fancy status.