ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a lot of friends at school, but some of them look and act different from you. Some might speak a different language or have different traditions at home. When people talk about white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, they are referring to a particular group of people who share certain characteristics.

The term "white" means people who have lighter skin colors like whooping cream or ivory. "Anglo-Saxon" refers to the people who came from regions of Europe, including England, Germany, and Holland. They all share similar cultures and languages. "Protestant" refers to the type of religion that these people practice, which is Christianity that does not follow the rules of the Roman Catholic church.

For a long time, white Anglo-Saxon Protestants had more power and wealth than other groups in America. They had a lot of say in things like politics and the economy, and they mostly stuck to themselves. However, over time, America has become more diverse and multicultural, which means that people with different backgrounds and traditions are making more of a mark.

It is essential to remember, however, that everyone must be respected and appreciated regardless of their ethnicity, religion, or background. We must see ourselves as equal and value everyone for who they are, not just what makes them different from us.