ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

White House china

Have you ever gone to a fancy restaurant and noticed that the plates and cups are extra pretty and delicate? Well, the White House has its own special set of pretty plates and cups that they use for fancy dinners and events. This special set is called White House China.

White House China is a collection of dishes, bowls, and cups that are used by the President and his guests at official White House events, such as state dinners. It's called "china" because originally, the fancy plates and cups were made from a type of clay called porcelain that came from a country called China. Nowadays, the White House China is actually made in America, but it still looks very fancy and delicate like the original China plates.

The White House China set has a special design that makes it different from normal dishes. It has the Presidential Seal and other symbols of America, like eagles and stars, on it. Each President since George Washington has had a special White House China set made for him during his time in office.

Taking care of White House China is super important because it's very delicate and valuable. You have to be very careful when you wash it and store it, and you can't use it for everyday meals like you would with normal dishes. That's why the White House has special people who take care of the China and make sure it stays in good condition for when important guests come to visit.