ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

White cell (spectroscopy)

Imagine your body is a castle and white cells are the knights that protect it from evil invaders like germs and viruses. Just like knights wear different colors of armor, white cells also have different colors that they use to fight different invaders.

Now, imagine a spy hovering outside of the castle walls, trying to see what color armor the knights are wearing. Spectroscopy is like the spy's special glasses that allow them to see different colors of light.

In the same way, scientists use spectroscopy to see what colors of light the white cells emit when they are fighting off invaders. By analyzing these colors, they can learn more about how the white cells are fighting and what types of invaders they are facing.

So, spectroscopy is like a special tool that helps researchers better understand the amazing abilities of our body's defenders, the white cells.