ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Williams spray equation

Imagine you have a garden hose, and you want to spray water on your plants. The amount of water that comes out of the hose depends on several things, such as how fast you turn the nozzle, how wide the nozzle is open, and how long you hold the hose in one place.

Scientists and engineers who study sprays and aerosols (tiny particles suspended in air) need to be able to predict how much material will come out of a nozzle under different conditions. This is important for things like designing fuel injectors for cars, making spray paints, or studying how viruses spread through the air.

The Williams Spray Equation is a mathematical formula that helps predict the amount of material that will come out of a nozzle. It takes into account things like the pressure of the fluid (liquid or gas) behind the nozzle, the size of the nozzle opening, and the properties of the fluid itself (like how viscous or sticky it is).

The equation is named after a scientist named William C. Williams, who first published it in 1950. It's a bit complicated to write out, but it basically says that the amount of material that comes out of a nozzle is proportional to the fluid pressure, the squared size of the nozzle opening, and a bunch of other factors that scientists have measured and plugged into the equation.

So, if you're a scientist trying to figure out how much medicine to give patients through a nasal spray, or how to optimize crop spraying, or even how to design better fire extinguishers, the Williams Spray Equation can help you predict how much material will come out of your nozzle and how far it will travel.