ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World clock

A world clock is like a special watch or clock that tells you what time it is in different parts of the world.

You know how you wake up and eat breakfast in the morning and then go to sleep at night when it gets dark outside? Well, people in other parts of the world might be eating dinner or getting ready for work when you are sleeping!

The world is a BIG place and it has lots of different time zones. A time zone is like a special area on the map where all the clocks have the same time.

For example, imagine one time zone is like a special neighborhood where everyone has the same clock. If you lived in that neighborhood, you would know that when the clock says 3:00 pm, it is the same time for everyone who lives there.

But imagine if your friend lived in a different neighborhood with a different clock! Maybe their clock says 3:00 pm, but in YOUR neighborhood, the clock says 6:00 pm!

That's where the world clock comes in handy. It can tell you what time it is in lots of different neighborhoods (or time zones) all over the world, so you can know what time it is for your friends and family who live far away.

It's like having a superpower that helps you keep track of time all over the world!