ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World energy supply and consumption

Energy is kind of like fuel for the world that we all need to survive. All the energy we use comes from different sources like the sun, the wind, the ocean, and even things like food. We humans use energy to do lots of things like cook food, heat and cool our homes, and run our machines. A lot of the energy we use comes from burning oil and other fossil fuels like coal or natural gas. We also use electricity, which is made when water or air is spun around and around in different machines.

We sometimes use more energy than we produce, which means that our energy supplies go down and we need to use something else like solar or wind power. That's why it's important to conserve energy, so that we don't run out of it. It's also important to remember that energy isn't just used by humans and animals, it's also very important for the plants, birds and other things in nature. So it's important for us to make sure that we have enough energy to take care of ourselves and the world.