ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Energy intensity

Energy intensity is a measure of how much energy (like electricity, gasoline, and natural gas) is used to do different activities, like manufacturing a product or heating a building. It is measured by how much energy is used to do a certain amount of work. For example, if a company produces 100 widgets and uses 200 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, it has an energy intensity of 200 kWh per 100 widgets produced. This means that for each widget the company produces, it had to use 2 kWh of electricity. Energy intensity is important because it helps us measure how efficient a process or activity is. If something has a high energy intensity, it means it is using more energy than necessary to do its job. This can tell us that we should look into ways to make the process or activity more efficient and use less energy.