ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me explain zippies to you like you're five years old.

You know how when you want to keep something safe, you put it in a bag like a ziplock bag or a pencil case? Well, zippies are kind of like that, but much softer and cuddlier.

Zippies are small stuffed animals that have a zipper on their backside. This means you can open up the stuffed animal and put things inside, like a small toy, some snacks, or even a secret note. Then you can zip it back up and keep your special things safe and hidden away.

Plus, zippies are super cute and fun to play with even if you don't use them to store things. They come in all sorts of different animals, like owls, dogs, and even unicorns.

So, think of zippies like your own little fuzzy secret-keepers that you can hug and play with whenever you want!