ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1933 Homes of Tomorrow Exhibition

The 1933 Homes of Tomorrow Exhibition was like a big show-and-tell for grown-ups. It was a place where people could see lots of different ideas for what homes in the future might look like.

Now, when we say "future," we mean the future for people who lived a long time ago - like your great-grandparents or even great-great-grandparents. Back then, they didn't have things like phones or computers or even TVs like you do now. They were just starting to invent things like cars and planes!

So, people didn't really know what the future would look like, but they were excited to imagine it. And that's why they had the Homes of Tomorrow Exhibition.

At the Exhibition, people could see all different kinds of houses. Some were made of glass so you could see-through them like a big greenhouse. Others had curved walls and looked like something from a sci-fi movie. Some homes were made of metal and had furniture that could fold up to save space.

The whole point of the Exhibition was to get people excited about new ideas and new ways of living. Even though the homes they showed might seem old-fashioned now, back then they were really cool and cutting-edge.

Who knows? Maybe one day you'll visit an Exhibition like this and see all kinds of crazy new ideas for homes of the future. Just imagine what they might be like!