ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1995 Quebec referendum

Okay, so back in 1995, there was a really big vote happening in a place called Quebec. A vote is like when a bunch of people get together to decide something, like which game to play or what food to eat. But in this vote, the people of Quebec were deciding something really important.

You see, Quebec is a special place in Canada, where people have their own language and culture. Some people in Quebec wanted to become their own separate country, instead of being a part of Canada. That means they wouldn't be Canadian anymore, but would live in their own country called Quebec.

So, they had a vote to decide if they wanted to stay a part of Canada or become their own country. It was called the 1995 Quebec Referendum. Lots of people were talking about it and it was a really big deal because it would change things a lot for Quebec and for all of Canada.

On voting day, people went to the polling stations to cast their ballots. It was a really close vote, but in the end, the majority of people voted to stay in Canada. That means Quebec stayed as part of Canada, and everyone was allowed to continue speaking French as well as English and keeping their own special traditions.

So, in summary, the 1995 Quebec Referendum was a big vote in Quebec where people decided whether to stay a part of Canada or become their own country, but in the end, most people decided to stay in Canada.